
The History of Video Games--from Press Start to Game Over

Decent Essays

Have you ever wondered what was the start of the PS3 in your basement? What was Atari and how did it impact the game world? How did Nintendo come into the business from card making to video games? By what means did Xbox leave the box??? Come, and I will show you………….

In the beginning……..
The first real “video game” was developed in 1958, by a physicist named William Higginbotham. It was a table tennis game and is played on an oscilloscope, a device used for visual displays. While some big name games, companies, and events had, yet, to happen, it sparked the video game industry. These paragraphs will guide you through the many years of games. As Mario would say, “Lets‘a go!!”

Early years (1961—1972)
Things start when the first …show more content…

First, however, a few consoles. The Super NES is released, with most notably, an anti-piracy chip (a.k.a. the 10-NES chip). However, unlicensed game companies (ones that make things like 1000–in-1 games) use a voltage spike to override the chip. 2 years later, the Atari Jaguar (an attempt to make a 64-bit console, but is really two-32-bit engines), and the NES 101; a.k.a. the NES top-loader are made. Nintendo gave the Top-loader has many revisions to the Super NES, but for some reason, lacks the 10-NES chip. Yet, the most significant event to happen this decade in the video game world is the work of Connecticut senator Joseph Lieberman & Wisconsin senator Herbert Kohl. They launch a senate investigation on the violence of video games.

I Rate it………………. (1994-95)
As a result of the Senate investigation, there is a new rating system--- the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB). Those are the little E, E 10+, T, M, ratings at the bottom of the game box. In other news, Sega makes the Saturn, and in Japan Sony makes the PlayStation. Going a year forward, the U.S. meets Sony, but the sensation that sweeps the nation is spawned in Japan----- the Nintendo 64 (N64). We will get it next year, but it is the last major cartridge—based home console to be released.

Starting now, most events will be system-based, but the systems are key. It’s clear that we come in at 1998. Sega makes the Dreamcast. 1999 brings the Game Boy Color, and with

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