
The First Police Car Two Way Radio

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In early April 1928, a couple of enterprising young patrol officers rigged some glass tubes and copper wire into the back seat of their Detroit squad car, and changed the very nature of police work forever(Irving, 2016). The first police car two-way radio was a giant leap in terms of technological advancement which promised to improve the way police could make their neighbourhood’s safer. Gone were the old police phone boxes, as were the foot patrols, it was the end of tradition that had lasted for over one hundred years. (Harris, 2007) implied that technological advances such as the telephone and the two-way radio helped create the police of today.
In the 21st Century Policing has evolved to incorporate innovative technology to enhance their effectiveness. Technological innovations have been changing the law enforcement landscape. From drones to body cameras to GPS tagging systems and thermal imaging technology, advances in law enforcement technology are making it possible for officials to enhance public safety like never before (Seaskate Inc. 1998) to remain effective, Police organisations must adapt to the modern world and embrace change.

The South Australia Police (SAPOL) is one such organization that is subject to the changing environment therefore it must enhance its capabilities to meet the requirements of service delivery. SAPOL must constantly evaluate how it keeps pace with technology both internally and externally by examining its technological infrastructure,

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