
The Exclusionary Rule Is A Very Specific And Tricky Rule

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The Exclusionary Rule is a very specific and tricky rule. It is important to know the Ins and outs of when this rule is acceptable and when it is not allowed. The Exclusionary Rule is based off the Fourth Amendment and according to Whitebread and Slobogin in the ‘Criminal Procedure: An Analysis of Cases and Concepts’, the exclusionary rule is used to "prohibit the use of evidence obtained through methods violate of the constitution," such as searches and seizures that are unconstitutional. It is known for excluding and/or suppressing illegally obtained evidence which can possibly lead to dismissal of the original charges. When this rule first began, it was applied only to the Federal Government. However, the Supreme Court extended …show more content…

This amendment was created and enforced to disallow any unreasonable or illegal search and seizures. It also calls for official warrants, and any warrant granted to be judicially authorized and reinforced by probable cause. Any evidence brought to Federal and State court that is obtained illegally and that violates the Fourth Amendment should be omitted at the time of trial. This rule began in Weeks v. United States, when the Supreme Court finally found a way to implement the Fourth Amendment rights of individuals. In this case an agent completed a search for gambling evidence at Fremont Weeks home without a warrant. He was later convicted at trial based on the illegal evidence that the agent collected. However, on appeal, the evidence was dismissed because of the warrant less search and in result Fremont Weeks 's conviction was overturned. This was a clear example of how the Exclusionary rule is centered on the Fourth Amendment, and how illegal activity such as search and seizures by law officials are not permitted. According to Cornell Law, the main purpose of this rule is to "deter law enforcement officers from conducting searches and seizures in violation of the Fourth Amendment and provide remedies to defendants whose rights have been infringed upon." It is known as a solution for enforcement officers and law official unconstitutional violations. Enforcing the exclusionary rule can deter police and

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