
The Element Oxygen

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The Element Oxygen has a chemical symbol O and atomic number 8. Oxygen was produced by numerous chemists prior to discovery in 1774, but each chemist failed to record it as an element. The main people are British clergyman Joseph Priestley, Swedish pharmacist Carl Wilhelm Scheele and French chemist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier all independently discovered oxygen. But Priestley usually gets the credit for the discovery. The name oxygen was first used by Lavoisier in 1777.
Oxygen plays an essential role in the lives of humans and other living organism. As well as being important for health and medical treatments it also helps us burn fuels, teat waters and even protect us from dangerous UV light thank to the ozone layer. Oxygen therapy is used as a common medical treatment. You may have seen …show more content…

It is almost the most abundant element in the human body. Oxygen represents about half of the world's mass outside, 66% of the human's mass body and nine tenths of the mass of water. A lot of oxygen can be removed from condensed air through a procedure known as fragmentary refining. Oxygen can likewise be delivered through the electrolysis of water or by warming potassium chlorate. A reduction in the measure of oxygen per unit volume of air results in a deficient measure of oxygen entering the circulatory system. The body responds to this condition quickly. This shortage in oxygen is called Hypoxia. At the point when the body recaptures its ordinary oxygen supply, one may recuperate from hypoxia. A complete absence of oxygen, which brings about changeless physical harm or passing, is called Anoxia.
The element oxygen atomic weight is 15.999 and it is classified as a gas and nonmetal. It has the density of 1.429g/L and the melting pint of -218.79 degree Celsius and -361.82 degree Fahrenheit. It also has the boiling point of -182.95 degree Celsius and -297.31 degree

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