
The Characteristics Of Richard Kuklinski As A Serial Killer

Decent Essays

Kevin Janusky
Richard Kuklinski Essay
Many people describe Richard ‘Iceman’ Kuklinski as a serial killer. In my belief he is not a serial killer.There are some characteristics that you could consider him being a serial killer but many lead to that he just killed to just kill. He did kill some people that just pissed him off and others that reminded him of his father. Loudmouth people and people who just are rude and disrespectful to others. Richard did have a childhood that most parents would not imagine they would like their kids to have.How his father did this is confusing. He did have a little brother in which they did end up being in the same prison.
Richard Kuklinski was not a serial killer. He was a contract killer. The other reasons he killed was if these people were not only disrespectful to him but to the society. For example, he saw someone urinating outside in public and he ended up killing this man. He didn’t like people to direspect the environment or other people He had some sympathy in the fact that he didn’t kill women or children. When he did kill people he didn’t feel bad about this, as a normal person would. He showed some signs of pyscopatheness such as the example above. Serial killers killed because they felt they needed to kill to have some feel of power or perfection They would then get a ‘high’ off of it and want to do it again and again. Richard would not get this, he would just do it and go back to living his normal life.
Richard Kuklinski had a very rough early life. No parent could get away with the things his dad had done at that time in history. His father would just beat him to just beat him. He would just walk into his room and start hitting him for god knows what reason. His mother would just stand there. Some mothers would at least try to stand up for their child but she would just sit there and tell nobody. Also in Richard's early life he was bullied a lot. He wouldn’t fight back he figured it was best if he just took the beatings and did nothing about it. Then one day it all changed. He decided to fight back. He said it was better to give than to receive. So he chose to give people the beatings and from that day forward nobody else ever tried to bully, make fun of, or even

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