
The Changing Tides

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The Changing Tides of American Politics Over time the United States has been molded by new technology, and American politics were no exception. Throughout history the political process in the United States has been greatly altered by advancements in technology; mail, radio, and television(elements in a series) have all shaped the way the public sees politicians in monumental ways. Recently a new factor has made its mark on American politics: social media. The use of social media by politicians and citizens has had repercussions that echo throughout the political sphere. The introduction of social media altered the landscape of American politics forever. Now more than ever before, it is harder to find the truth and even easier to hide from …show more content…

Twitter and Facebook offer a direct route for delivering information to a large audience. Posts on these social media sites are not required to be accurate, and often present little to no factual content. With social media it is very easy to make misinformation appear accurate, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for the average user to differentiate between what is and isn't credible. Social media is now used to spread propaganda and intentionally deceive. The spread of false information is not new to politics, in fact, it's been around since its onset. The difference now however is the speed at which fake news can travel. According to Rachel Ehrenberg 90 million Americans use Twitter in a given month and it is estimated that half of all Americans are on Facebook with another 5 million people frequenting other social media sites. As a result, the moment something is posted, it has the potential to be seen by thousands almost instantly. This contributes to misinformation being spread quickly and efficiently. The impact social media has had on American politics is undeniable. Because of social media it is now more difficult than ever to decipher between what is fact and what is fiction. This new form of political information sharing has left people more uncertain than ever before. Despite its downfalls, social media has had a massive impact on politics and it would be negligent to ignore it in its entirety, however social media should be used and consumed in moderation and in conjunction with other forms of

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