
The Book Thief Theme

Decent Essays

Shifting from Liesel, Death takes us to a small dark room where we come upon a sad hunched figure. A man, a Jewish man sits alone in this room filtering and re-filtering the same stale air. Starving and scared this figure only rises from himself to greet his friend Walter. " Max wake up." (139) Walter came with gifts, a fake identity card, a copy of Mein Kampf containing a key and a small ration of food barely large enough to be considered a meal. breaking his food into the portions Max devoured what he allowed himself before pleading to a man hundreds of miles away. " Please." (141) While Max beg for his life Liesel was enjoying her summer as any child would today. Liesel had been advancing through her readings both that of The Shoulder Shrug and those she could get her hands on in the mayors library. When she wasn't reading or delivering clothes she was out in the streets playing soccer with the other children and growing closer to Rudy, showing the beginning signs of attraction. Both Liesel and Rudy were experiencing hunger, as Rosa was forced to provide her family with pea shop day in and day out. Their hunger had driven them to the point that when presented the opportunity from a boy by the name of Arthur they enter a thief ring.This band of thieves only stole …show more content…

The mayors wife having already offered the book to her once before offered the book to Liesel a second time. Taking it Liesel was then given an envelope to be given to Rosa, knowing every well that the mayor was ending her services. Knowing that times were hard enough as it was and feeling betrayed by Ilsa a furry built up in Liesel till she burst throwing the flames in Isla's direction. Tossing the book at Ilsa's feet Liesel began assaulting her with words until Ilsa slumped back into her house beaten be the girl's shouting. Feeling no better then before Liesel returned home with the bad

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