
Test Taking Essay

Decent Essays

The test taking lessons have helped me learn more about having good strategies for a test. I feel that with these lessons learned I can have more confidence to take a test and pass it. In this report I want to show why test taking is an important skill to learn. I also wanted to describe how I have prepared for test in the past. I also wanted to discuss three strategies I have learned from the computer tutorial in class and how I have changed my study habits so I can do better on test.
Test taking is one of the most important things to have good skills at. Test usually have a significant effect on your grade. The more you are used to test and are …show more content…

I used to stop on answers that I could not figure out and spend a lot of time just being frustrated. Now I know to skip those questions and move onto the next one and come back to them once my test is completed. I used to read some out of the textbook on the chapters covered on the test, but I found that I would study a lot of information not relevant to the test. Now I know to take a look at other test and see what kinds of questions were asked and see how I can apply the mistakes I made before to the test that I am about to take.
The test taking tutorial taught me different strategies for different types of test. For multiple choice test I have learned to eliminate options that are unrelated to the question. I learned to do that because I would sometimes just pick what sounded good and not really read the rest of the choices available. I also had a problem with essay test. One strategy I would use that is to check my answer for grammar, spelling, and completion. I used to not do that because I felt rushed, but when I would get my test back it would be all marked up with corrections that needed to be made, resulting in a bad grade. On matching test I learned to single out the correct answers by going down the left column and figuring out the questions that I knew and leaving the ones that I wasn’t to sure on, and that would make It easier to single out the right answers.

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