
Terrorism The word terrorism seems to be easy to define. It is a word that everyone is

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Terrorism The word terrorism seems to be easy to define. It is a word that everyone is familiar with. Terrorism, as used in today's media which covers a wide range of violent acts. Terrorism is violent acts that are intended to create fear(terror) are perpetrated for a religious ,political or ideological goal and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non civilians or we can say it is the threat of violence or an act of violence . Terrorism is an international problem in today's global community. Many countries had been affected directly.
Terrorism has been around for as long as people can remember, but for the past years there has been a deep increase in activity. This definition includes acts of unlawful violence and …show more content…

Terrorists are generally motivated by a profound sense of altruism deep feelings of self defense and if they are religiously observant or devout an abiding even unswerving, commitment to their faith and the conviction that their violence is not only the logically justified but divinely commanded .
The social effects of terrorism are a lot that cannot be counted on the hand. Firstly, leaving people poor , starving homeless without family members and often without jobs.
Secondly, making people afraid to associate with certain other people or associations . It is also useful for the politicians of western countries in giving them an excuse to erode the freedoms and the concepts of justice that we all take for granted.
Terrorism is a major social problem around the world and has gained consider increased media attention in recent decades. Although terrorist tactics have been in use for long time, increasing use of sophisticated weaponry and the consequences in term of increased potential for mass causalities have in the social and political sciences to place high priority on understanding the causes of terrorism and the means by which it might be prevented.
Terrorism is defined as the deliberate targeting of civilian sites for attacks designed to result in destruction of those sites and injury and death off non combatant civilians. As there are two types of terrorism.
Firstly, Terrorism carried out by insurgent groups as

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