
Teen Pregnancy Rates On Canada

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This report takes an in-depth look at the teen pregnancy rates in Canada. Comparing the trends in Canadian provinces mainly focused on the trends in Ontario. Teen pregnancy rates have drastically falling from a report completed in the 1970’s where the pregnancy rate amongst teen girls between the ages of 15-19 years old. In the 1970’s, teen pregnancy was amongst the highest rates Canada has ever seen. This report also focuses on the reasons teen pregnancy is prevalent in the following provinces and the effects after the birth of the child, what factors play a role in these mothers giving birth which include; family circumstances and the position poverty plays. Comprehensive research has been done over the last few years following …show more content…

Could it be that Canada is a desired place to raise children from the amount of assistance the Government gives? Findings include; where education is low, poverty is as well. Socio economics without question play a role in teen pregnancy rates.

In certain provinces, teen pregnancy rates appear to be declining, however in other provinces rates appear to be rising. In provinces like Winnipeg, Calgary and Ontario rates have been the highest Canada has seen within the last 40 years. Evidence has suggested that socio-economics played a major role in the fluctuation of teen pregnancy rates. Teen girls who lacked in education were more likely to become pregnant and also live below the poverty lines. Canada’s decrease in teen pregnancy rates were a result of contraceptives becoming more available in public places such as schools, and within their personal lives. However in communities north of the GTA, there are higher rates of pregnancy. Aboriginal do not have the same accessibility as others do, which is why teen pregnancy rates are above the national average. Other reasons contributing to the rise of pregnancy with first nation teen girls are the socio-economics as well as factors leading to oppression within that community. Teens trying to finish school while pregnant have less successful rates of gaining more education because of the high cost of raising their

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