
Successful Nonprofit Organizations Paper

Decent Essays

Volunteers: they are the people who help and contribute to the organization. They are willing to contribute their time and skills without compensation. Volunteers are a big component of a successful nonprofit organization. Sometimes it is hard for nonprofits to have continual volunteers, but if managers know the right way to use social media it will be a good tool to attract more volunteers. Nonprofits should not restrict to one social channel, but also not too many of them, three to four would be appropriate. Only use one social platform will limit the number of potential volunteers. After choosing the platform, keeping the account active is the next step organization should do. Even if there is nothing new happened, nonprofit organization …show more content…

According to the statistic from Social Media Examiner, 96% of marketers are currently participating in social media marketing. Increase the brand awareness will be one of the advantages. Social media is a convenient way for people to learn about an organization, they only need to search the name online and will get all kinds of information. Using networking website will also let you reach more customers compare to traditional advertisements because of the large user base. Moreover, it will give you more brand authority. When posting online, it gives organizations a lot of opportunities to reply customer’s questions and address their concerns. This will make the customer feel they are being taken care of the company and also the reliability of the company will increase, because it is a direct interaction with customers. Social media will also improve the search engine ranking. Although post on social media may cause website traffic, it is still good for companies if they make post regularly. The ranking is important for companies, when people type the keyword, you want your company to be at the top of the page, otherwise your competitors will take your …show more content…

Privacy would be the top concern for people, because social media platforms store a lot of information about us. This may let others steal our personal information and use it. Also, on social media pages, we share pictures and videos about ourselves or families. Those pictures and videos may use by others in appropriate or illegal ways. For businesses, one of the risk is that your employees may speak for the company. It is hard for companies to monitor what their employees post on social media. They may discuss company matters without authorization. This will hurt the company’s reputation and challenge customers and investors. In addition, negative customer reviews are harmful. Once a customer post a bad review, it is hard for the company to control when it went public. This will impact the company’s brand image and reputation. Conclusion: Social media is a necessary component for businesses in order to expand their market. By using the right social media tactics it will bring company enormous benefits. Not all companies can find the right platforms or method at the first time, but when use it more frequently, you will find the best way to market the company. I believe social media will be more advanced in the future and it will become a main tool for businesses to

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