
Spiritual Formation

Decent Essays

Spiritual Formation Ministry Plan

God expects individuals that call themselves “Christian” to grow spiritually. The Word of God encourages personal examination as a part of the growth process, as found in Psalm 139:23-24: “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns. See if there is any offensive way in me; lead me in the everlasting way.” Becoming more Christ-like focuses on how He works in us and not on our work for Him. The Cycle of Works demonstrates that regardless of work we complete, the acceptance of others, the sustainability of our works and the significance it brings, we cannot compete with God’s Cycle of Grace that show us that we are significant in His sight and that brings us sustenance and acceptance …show more content…

According to Ruth Haley Barton in Sacred Rhythms, individuals would then be able to understand what their personal minimum requirements are for ongoing spiritual growth.
My model for spiritual formation in the local church would include spiritual, relational, and missional aspects such as personal devotions, spiritual friendships, participating in corporate worship, and serving God’s Kingdom.
Spiritual. Daily time spent in prayer along with a regular, unhurried time in the Bible is essential for growth. In the Bible, growth is linked to spiritual maturity and becoming more like Jesus (Romans 12:1-2, 2 Corinthians 3:18). Time in prayer, at the beginning and the end of day
Relational. The ministry of Jesus was focused on people and meeting their needs. Spending time with others, both individually and through corporate gatherings, is modeled throughout the Bible. Fellowship with other believers in small groups allows individuals to forge relationships and develop accountability at some level. These deeper bonds demonstrate to others their love for God and others by loving God’s Law, obeying it by God’s grace, and allowing it to lead to Jesus Christ for transformation into His image.
Missional. The totality of spiritual growth can be summed up in Matthew 22:37-39; that all of spiritual growth should be measured against increased love for God and increased love of our neighbor.

Spiritual formation

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