
Solving Questions And Summary

Decent Essays

a. How does the teacher consider learning goals when planning questions to ask?
Ms. Thomas designs her questions based on what she wants her students to learn. Therefore, she develops the questions with the end in mind. She mentioned in the video that she thinks about the concepts, ideas and themes that were presented in the documentary that need to be conveyed to the students.

b. What strategies does the teacher use to scaffold understanding?
The first strategy the teacher uses is a question that all the students can answer independently. Second strategy used by the teacher is a question that requires the students to elaborate in detail on general information. The second question builds upon the first question and the students have to be a little bit more specific. The …show more content…

Then I will create a list of questions and personal connections to the particular text for which I will use to model this strategy. Some ideas I have for implementing the strategies that Ms. Thomas used in the video are ways I plan to engage my students with questioning. Instead of simply asking a question and having one or two students raise their hand to answer, I plan to have all students write down an answer to the question. This way all of my students are involved in the question and answer process or instead of having all of my students write their answer, I could simply ask the question and have my students share their response with a partner. I also plan to use Bloom's Taxonomy to create high-level questions. I am planning to differentiate questions by encouraging my students to consider new and different lookouts. For example, instead of asking, "What happened at the Boston Tea Party?" I would ask, 'If you were a British soldier, how would you have reacted when you heard the news about the Boston Tea

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