
Slavery And The American Revolution Essay

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Slavery originated as early as the 1600’s when Britain shipped 3.1 million Africans to British owned colonies in the Caribbean. The new idea of slavery brought controversial ideals and created a historical movement that effected even the peoples of today. Slavery is a form of manipulation that was excused as a conscious way to provide economic growth in Caribbean and European colonies. It then revolutionized itself into a much bigger issue; many didn’t anticipate it could also revolutionize the world. The Haitian Revolution of 1759 evoked a social change that transformed the Caribbean countries, Cuba and Haiti, while slowly expanding the idea of the abolition of slavery. Through traumatic social events, slavery was justified as a way to sustain economics while it simultaneously harmed the lives of the enslaved.
During the years of 1700-1830’s the slaves took part in a series of revolts. Seeing as it was unethical to enslave humans, they demanded their rights and wanted to end their cruel forms of labor. Many slaves, knowing the risk, took part in Tacky’s rebellion in 1760s in Jamaica, the Haitian Revolution of 1789, Fedon’s …show more content…

Being forced to work on plantations, these plantations essentially made the need to invest in a large market that flourished in the economy. (Downs, 2008) The usefulness to slavery was the economic stimulations from a variety of markets, increasing trade and contributing to the demand of jobs. The amount in financial gains from the slave trade were enough to rid the negative aspects of slavery and continue the slave trade. It became an economic opportunity so enlarged, the market was expected to last for many years. (Perez, 1988) The European colonies thus became centers of wealth and focused on its slave trade in efforts of growing the English

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