
Serial Killer Sociology

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Introduction: In today’s society, serial killers have been glorified as these mysterious and interesting beings that cannot be understood or explained. Shows and documentaries about killers have been made to give an insight about their life that lead up to their killing spree. Psychologists conduct many studies and interviews trying to analyze the mind of serial killers and understand the process of committing such heinous crimes. Being that these people were able to kill a vast group of people during a time period before getting captured, it questions many aspects of their life and society. Psychologists tend to analyze either their personal life or their mental stability to draw conclusions on why and how they were able to commit such crimes. …show more content…

During an interview with investigators, serial killer Gary Ridgway also called The Green River Killer stated, “I picked prostitutes as my victims because I hate most prostitutes and I did not want to pay them for sex (Talvi).” Knowing that in society being a prostitute holds a negative connotation; people tend to disregard what happens to them and do not take any crimes towards them serious. Prostitution is a method of income that is shamed upon and deeply judged by the majority population. It is something that people tend to look down on and when crimes are committed against those that are in that line of work; they are blamed for putting themselves in that situation. Having that stigma around the women he was hunting, it gave him the perfect victim. Ridgway also confessed “I also picked prostitutes as victims because they were easy to pick up without being noticed. I knew they would not be reported missing right away and might never be reported missing. I picked prostitutes because I thought I could kill as many of them as I wanted without getting caught.(Talvi)” This demonstrates in finding the perfect victim, serial killers tend to look for people that society deems not valuable or good enough to look for. Including Robert Hansen, a man the kidnapped women and hunted them with his rifle or hunting knife in the Alaskan wilderness. Robert Hansen stated, "If they came across with what I wanted," he explained, "we'd come back to town. I'd tell them if they made any trouble for me, I had connections and would have them put in jail for being prostitutes." They look for those that are not seen as creditable victims or are a part of a group where society puts a natural suspicion against them based of the generic ideal of that person’s life. The Green River Killer was able to rape and murder 48 women before he was caught and even then the numbers are

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