
Review Quesition

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Chapter 1 Introduction- Review questions

1.1 List four examples of database systems other than those listed in Section 1.1.

Some examples could be: • A system that maintains component part details for a car manufacturer; • An advertising company keeping details of all clients and adverts placed with them; • A training company keeping course information and participants’ details; • An organization maintaining all sales order information.

1.2 Discuss the meaning of each of the following terms:

(a) data

For end users, this constitutes all the different values connected with the various …show more content…

• A significant client side administration overhead.

By 1995, a new variation of the traditional two-tier client-server model appeared to solve these problems called the three-tier client-server architecture. This new architecture proposed three layers, each potentially running on a different platform:

1) The user interface layer, which runs on the end-user’s computer (the client).
2) The business logic and data processing layer. This middle tier runs on a server and is often called the application server. One application server is designed to serve multiple clients.
3) A DBMS, which stores the data required by the middle tier. This tier may run on a separate server called the database server.

The three-tier design has many advantages over the traditional two-tier design, such as:

• A ‘thin’ client, which requires less expensive hardware. • Simplified application maintenance, as a result of centralizing the business logic for many end-users into a single application server. This eliminates the concerns of software distribution that are problematic in the traditional two-tier client-server architecture. • Added modularity, which makes it easier to modify or replace one tier without affecting the

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