
Renewable Energy : Renewable Resources

Decent Essays

Renewable energy: energy in which comes from natural resources that are naturally replenished, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and geothermal heat (Bhatia, 2014). This essay is focused on the main three renewable energies, wind, sunlight, and water. Renewable resources are well on the way to out rule the fossil fuel industry because of the diminishing amount of fossil fuels left in the world and increase of renewable resource use, the damage fossil fuels do to the environment, and the various positive aspects that renewable resources bring.

Fossil fuels will run out in the world with time, these fuels take millions of years to form, the supply simply cannot meet the demands of the world forever. According to the Colorado River Commission of Nevada, the amount of petroleum left in the world is 2,686 billion barrels left, annually, the world uses 27 billion barrels (2002). Natural gas has 14,006 billion left and the world uses 84 billion barrels a year (The Colorado River Commission of Nevada, 2002). Coal has 1,089 billion barrels left with 5 billion used a year (The Colorado River Commission of Nevada, 2002). This may seem like a lot of fossil fuels, but with the population continuing to grow, this is not a very large quantity. As stated by the Colorado River Commission of Nevada, “All together the fossil fuel resources is estimated to be gone between 2050 and 2075” (2002). It is certain that fossil fuels are limited, and will eventually run dry. This may not seem to

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