
Relational Message And Its Influence On The Classroom

Decent Essays

This exercise gave me the opportunity to view the program and then analyze what sort of message was being displayed in reference to what relational message was displayed and what kind of nonverbal message was being executed. I found that when looking for these messages, it is important to pay attention to the nonverbal messages as they are happening. This then allows one to understand the context of the message and have a better understanding of what the character is trying to portray. The first relational message that I noticed was that of dominance. This is shown when the main character is confronted by the other character who pulls up in his car. You can see that the man in the car is not welcome and is trying to show his dominance by confronting the main character. The nonverbal relational message shown best in this example is body movement. Nick and his girlfriend Laura both sow extreme discomfort when the man in the truck approaches Nicks home. There facial expressions give this away because they looked annoyed and angry as he is speaking. This contradicted content message, as it was clear he knew that his statements to Nick and Laura would annoy them and not be anything that they agreed with, taunting them in a way. Another example of dominance is when Nick shows up to his old apartment in New York City where he wrote his book. The man standing at the door with the woman who opens the door is giving off a very dominant presence and is holding a baseball bat as if he

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