
Recruitment and Selection

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Recruitment and Selection
In the competitive business environment nowadays, companies need to present themselves as serious players with edges in various aspects, one most important of which is quality of their workforce. The quality of an organization’s workforce ,to some degree, determines how far it can go and this kind of quality depends mostly on an essential element in an organization’s operation, which is human resource management (Martin, J. 2008). Human resource management refers to the management of a company’s working staff, or human resource, including the practices of job analysis,human resource planning,recruitment,selection,human resource development, etc.(Kleynhans, R. 2006). Among all these practices, what is fundamental …show more content…

Its selection standard is that who sympathize with its value and are best-fitted to certain jobs. So during the selection, Lenovo adopts a variety of such techniques as personality questionnaire, Ability Test, group discussion, interview to evaluate the applicants’ personality, capability and so on to decide whether an applicant is suitable for a certain job or not. After all these steps, which is in essential the core of selection, those who are thought to be the best-fit will be made candidates for the vacancies while the other applicants will be rejected. To summarize, the aims of recruitment and selection are different in that the former aims to get a pool applicants while the latter to select the most suitable candidates from the recruited applicants.

In addition, recruitment and selection are realized through different procedures. When an organization decides there are job vacancies to be filled according to its strategic objectives, the related department will begin to analyze these vacancies to get some information related to these jobs such as the requirements, the offer and so on. Then the job information need to be transmitted to the public through some channels in order to attract more talents to form a pool for later selection. Some traditional channels are bulletin boards, employee referrals, job fairs. Also there are many innovative ways such as internet

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