
Quotes From The Call Of The Wild

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Before the gold rush, Buck, a St. Bernard used to live in a plush, big house, going swimming, and going hunting with the Judge’s sons, but when he was stolen from his “family” and from his happiness he must adapt fast to the harsh environment. In this story, Buck changes from a domesticated animal into a fierce, primitive wolf, killing with no thought or regret but for blood. In the book The Call Of The Wild by Jack London, the theme is decivilization, three examples which proves this is, Buck stealing food from other dogs, Buck finding out that John Thornton is dead, and Buck killing the Yeehats. One example which supports the thesis was when he stole food from the other dogs. In the story the owners did not give enough food to the dogs “He didn’t rob openly, but stole secretly and cunningly, out of respect for club and fang.”(23). The quote states Buck was learning to steal, in his happy days he just had to beg for food but now Buck was becoming more wild. This was the first time he was going to his predatory instincts of the ancient wolf and he was adapting to the problems he faces. …show more content…

Buck lost everything that he wants and everything that he loves. “The last tie was broken. Man and the claims of man no longer bound him.”(23). The quote explains he was free from the chains of man and love. The last of the domestic animal was gone and only there was the fierce wolf. Then came the blood lusting to kill whoever had murdered John Thornton, his handler and his lover. John Thornton had meant everything to him, Thornton was the reason he came back from the forest each time. He felt the grief of losing his loved one who he could not live without. The original Buck was gone he was replaced by the mighty wolf, the alpha of a wolf

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