
Pt1420 Unit 2 Game Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Cribbage Decision Making- There are a couple of decisions in this game. The decision was choosing any playing cards to put in the crib and thinking ahead. The other decision was to restrict the opponent’s opportunities to score points or lead a card from a pair. Goals - The goal for the players is to be the first player to score 121 or more points. Opposition: 2 - 6 players; 3 players are playing against the other 3 players. Information - Instructions and a scoring aid are on the sheet, with pegs on the board. Socializing - Socializing is difficult because of the complex of the game. I dislike the game because the game instruction and layout are really confusing and complicated to us. The instruction was not explained clearly how to play the game. …show more content…

This layout would not work out for me because this game is looking strange and complicated. Also, I plan to use the similar colors for my game. Managing Resources - You have to use the playing cards and pegs to keep tracks of the points through the game. I can deal with the playing cards of numbers you want to deal. I put the pegs in the hole on the board after dealing cards as the card tells you to. Narrative Tension - This game determines who gets to deals first, set the full deck of cards in front of players then they cuts out from the same deck. For two players, a dealer deals six cards each; for three players, a dealer deals five cards each and one of the cards off to the side; for four players, a dealer deals five cards each sitting opposite each other. Discuss the interaction with the game component(s) The game has tokens, which are small and easy to place in the hole of the board. The tokens are the plastic pegs with tapered designs in the standard size. These tokens are used to placed on the top of the game board to get to the finish lane and the highest

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