
Ps/471 Week 1 Assignment

Decent Essays

Vanessa Luster PS 471 Response Paper 1 September 4, 2015 “There are only patterns, patterns on top of patterns, patterns that affect other patterns. Patterns hidden by patterns. Patterns within patterns. If you watch close, history does nothing but repeat itself. What we call chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized. What we call random is just patterns we can't decipher. What we can't understand we call nonsense. What we can't read we call gibberish. There is no free will. There are no variables.(Palahniuk, Charles).” This quote indeed can be implied in our everyday lives, but I think that it is very much relatable to what goes on in our country, our government tactics and even the catastrophes that happened in America. However some would …show more content…

No event is exactly alike, but it’s similar to past events that we overlook or carelessly ignore. Many times as citizens, we look to our government for answers to our concerns, but in some cases they are never answered. As a result, we begin to formulate our own opinions and answers. September 11, 2001 forever impacted America and gave a new challenge to our government that went far beyond any challenges that a natural disaster had presented in decades. The terrorist attacks were definitely a wake up call to being more prepared for natural disasters and reevaluating our intelligence agency jobs and communication levels. In chapter 2, one of the key points that Kettl discuss is connecting the dots. We can see that in the midst of 9/11, America focused on the nation’s intelligence services for answers. As the American people we wanted to know, who were the hijackers, where was security and most importantly, and who do we hold accountable? Furthermore, that the intelligence agencies failed to piece together information that already had about terrorism speculations. In chapter 1, Kettl talks about the warnings and signs that the government has before catastrophes (such as September 11, Hurricane …show more content…

As years pass those wounds are still healing but old methods and patterns of agencies will soon resurface. Life after 9/11 has changed, but there is still much work to be done. Today we have tighter security in airports, stadiums and even arenas and even bills were passed such as the Patriot Act, Aviation and Transportation Security Act, and the G.I. Bill. Still there other things that suffer from the attacks of 9/11 such as Anti-Islamic violence, where Muslims were attacked and stereotype for something they had no control over. As far as the government, I do not believe that they will ever be on one accord but that’s the beauty of politics. Everyone will always have an opinion and believe that their way is the right way. I close with questions, “Can we stop history from repeating itself?” I believe something we have control over and something we cannot but if intelligence agencies continue to not connect the dots, or the state and local government always point the finger to the federal government we will continue to overlook the clues that can formulate our

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