
Protagonist Definition Essay

Decent Essays

Protagonist - the leading character or one of the major characters in a drama, movie, novel, or any other fictional text. A protagonist is sometimes called a “hero” by the audience or readers.
Antagonist - a character that opposes the protagonist or the main character. It is common to call the antagonist a villain (the bad guy) because they are against the protagonist (the good guy). Sometimes, an antagonist can exist within the protagonist causing an inner conflict in the mind.
Motif (or unifying device) - an object or idea with symbolic meaning that repeats itself throughout literature. They may come in the form of recurring imagery, language, structure, or contrasts. In a drama, they might be repeated music, visual components, or physical movements.
Irony …show more content…

For example, in a thriller, most readers will feel some sort of suspense, while in dramatic novels, most readers will get a sense of sentimentality.
Tone - the attitude or approach that the author takes towards the main theme or subject. Any emotion that humans can feel can be an example of tone in literature.
a. Optimistic - An optimistic tone is hopeful, cheerful.
b. Pessimistic - The character is upset and worried and is sure that things will turn out for the worst.
c. Satirical - the mocking tone. It is a way for the author to make fun of characters and their faults. It makes a powerful person seem less important, or it mocks a person's stupidity. Basically, satire is "refusing to respect" silly ideas, and sometimes the person(s) who makes silly ideas.
d. Ambivalent - having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone. point of view - the perspective from which a story is narrated. Every story has a perspective, though there can be more than one type of point of view in literature. The most common points of view used in novels are first-person singular (“I”) and third person (“he” and

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