
Essay On Price Variance In Nursing

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Running Head: Price and Quality Variance for Nursing Cost
To effectively plan overhead costs for a product the management must aim to eliminate activities that do not add any value to the product in question. The process of costing is very important in that it supplies information on evaluation and control to various aspects of a business enterprise. Variance measures price and quantity differences that occur in any budgeted and actual prices and quantities. There exist a difference between fixed overhead spending variance and variable overhead spending variance in that the fixed overhead spending variance does not include estimation error while variable spending variable does. Managers can use variance for control, decision implementation, performance evaluation, organizational learning and continuous improvement. Variances analysis can be applied to activity costs to gain insight into why actual activity differ from activity cost in static budget or in the flexible budget
Price variance
Price variance or generally variance is obtained by getting the differences between the expected and the actual result. The analysis of their (actual and expected result) differences is actually variance analysis. Price variance is said to be favorable only if the results expected are far much better than the actual results and the opposite is true for worse results. Price variance can be influenced by;
Poor supervision
Poor employee performance
New inexperienced

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