
Persuasive Essay On Portugal

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Since 2001, Portugal has prioritized harm reduction in drug abuse and have treated addiction as a health issues instead of a crime issue. Many believe that this policy has reduced drug addiction, but others feel that it has encouraged the use of illegal drugs. I believe that Portugal is taking the wrong stance against drugs and should be viewing them in a criminal manner. This policy can be supported in historical context via the burning of opium by the Chinese government and by the use of methamphetamine by German soldiers in World War II. The Chinese government was struggling to ban opium smoking recreationally and by 1729 the deemed it only legal to smoke for medical purposes. Despite these efforts, opium use was increasing significantly …show more content…

Their ignorance as a government in the 1730’s led them to take extreme steps to stop the illegal trade by burning the British opium and trying to destroy the British ships in the 1830’s. China’s justification for allowing opium to be legal in 1729 can be viewed as the root of the opium wars. The unprecedented casualties of World War I brought the need for treatment of acute and chronic pain. This inspired the Weimar and Nazi governments to adopt an attitude of tolerance toward the use of drugs to relieve pain, increase performance, and avoid withdrawal. Most drugs were permitted either universally or for individuals with a medical prescription. Thus, Drug use in the German military during World War II was actively encouraged and widespread, especially during the war's later stages as their military became depleted and increasingly dependent on youth as opposed to experience. The German army ordered soldiers to take military-issue pills made from methamphetamine. The aftermath of this war was devastating because the soldiers who survived returned home addicted to meth and resorted to the illegal consumption of the

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