
Personal Narrative: My Trip To Iowa

Satisfactory Essays

It's been two weeks since my grandkids left and I'm already feeling sick. I have to carry the tradition of passing the medicine down to the man of the family, Martin. I have shoved $100 into my boots for my funeral costs. I check to make sure I have all of my stuff and I set out to the nearest bus station. It was a long, Grueling, Two day bus ride to Iowa. But it was all worth it in the end.

Stops I get out and I wander around. A police officer puts me on a bus to where he believes my family is. I walk in the middle of the road of a long street. Kids are yelling and dogs are barking as I make my way up the road. Then out of the corner of Mayeye I see a familiar boy. I soon recognize him as my grandson Martin. He yells at the dogs to leave

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