
Personal Narrative: My Bachelor's Degree At Rutgers University

Decent Essays

Growing up my father taught me many life lessons; one that I will never forget was when he told me: “A man living in a house without light will never know where he is going or what he wants to do.” At the time I did not understand what that meant until one day he explained in to me. Without proper goals a person is just lost in darkness and unable to find their way in life. By working towards my goals, I feel that I am constantly growing as an individual and learning how to approach all sorts of situations that life throws at me. Recently, being a part of the EOF Nursing School Program at Rutgers University, I feel that I have just set the foundation to achieving my goals which include graduating with my Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing alongside one day opening a home for the less fortunate in Guyana. From the time I began school I knew that I wanted to become a nurse, however, it was not fully encouraged because my family had very low income and in Guyana, if you …show more content…

It was stressed to me how this would be a life changing experience. I did not realize at the time, but coming to America has been a life changing experience for me. I have so many more opportunities here than I could have ever had growing up in Guyana. As a child, I observed so much poverty in the town in which I lived. Apart from not being able to receive a proper education, I also noticed how hard it was to receive proper medical attention if one did not have money. There was an excess amount of people who were sick but could not receive the proper treatment of medicine due to financial issues. Hardly anyone could afford healthcare and there is no such thing as insurance there. Every time someone had to visit the doctor, they had to pay cash and it was not cheap, thus leaving a lot of people were deprived of healthcare. After attaining my Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, my goal is to open a clinic in

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