
Essay on Performance Appraisals

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Performance Appraisals have been around for several years. Every year employees and managers both dread this time of year. The employees dread it because they are not looking forward to the feedback they will hear from their boss. The boss is dreading it because they are wasting time filling out the “standard” form, and basically checking the box that the appraisal has been completed. In our textbook it states, “Giving performance feedback is the No. 1 dreaded task of managers (Kreitner 283). Performance appraisals should not be a dreaded part of the job for the employer or employee. Employers this it is hard to remember all of the different aspects throughout the year, as well as finding time to present it to the employee. There are …show more content…

Their bosses thought that by giving them a bonus or pay increase would suffice, and they would continue doing a good job. “Sometimes this basic system succeeded in getting the results that were intended; but more often than not, it failed” (Archer North). As researchers dug more into the details, they found that employers really needed to look more into what motivates employees and not to assume that money is the only motivator. From their studies, they were able to see that companies should look more at the morale and self-esteem of their workforce. Once this information was revealed, the use of rewards as the main motivator was pushed to the side. “The general model of performance appraisal, as it is known today, began from that time” (Archer North). In today’s business world, performance appraisals are still widely used, yet at the same time very criticized. One of the reasons appraisals are criticized is some feel that they are a waste of time and are not value added. Samuel Culbert, author of the book,“Get Rid of Performance Reviews” states, “This corporate sham is one of the most insidious, most damaging, and yet most ubiquitous of corporate activities” (Culbert). He goes on to say that, “Everybody does it, and almost everyone who’s evaluated hates it” (Culbert). He feels that appraisals are worthless and should never be a method used for giving employees feedback. After doing more

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