
Partnership and Microsoft

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1. What are some relative advantages and disadvantages of using smaller local partners vs. a large local partner?
Some advantages that Microsoft might have are that in general partnerships, each participant is personally responsible for the actions of the company. This includes debts, liabilities and the wrongful acts of other partners. One advantage of a limited liability partnership is the liability protection it affords. This type of partnership structure protects individual partners from personal liability for negligent acts of other partners or employees not under their direct control, states the SBA. In addition, smaller local partners are not personally responsible for company debts or other obligations. This is advantageous for …show more content…

Second, organize small teams of overlapping functional specialists. This is a blend of two leading concepts in new products management today -- have small work groups and have highly skilled functional specialists. Microsoft has large teams of small teams. At all times functional skills are at work, and "team members" do not lose sight of their major contribution. Yet, by having an overall plan, and overall team management, the small clusters are involved across all functions. So the firm achieves both functional skills and multifunctional operations. They talk about having distinct functional skills that are overlapped at the boundaries. This gives independence but not anarchy. Third, pioneer and orchestrate evolving mass markets. This means to be the first, or early, to enter a market, find and build mass markets, don 't wait for perfect products but build a steam of incrementally better ones flowing in the direction of the market, and try to lead those markets in directions favorable to the firm. Fourth, focus creativity by evolving features and fixing resources. This means giving team’s vision statements for general guidance, freedom to implement those as their skills direct, insisting that developers keep in mind the volume of demand for the features they are building, and then restricting the total effort by tight restrictions on dollars and time

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