
P6 Unit 6 Health and Social Care

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A health service is a service that provides care and is under the NHS. For examples hospitals or a G.P. They provide treatments but also prevent illnesses through health promotions. A social care service is about providing support to individuals to help them get by and who ever needs it such as emotional support or practical support with daily living tasks. Statutory care is care that’s paid for and provided by the government and is welcome to everyone. For example, the children’s hospital. Private care is care that is paid for and isn’t funded by the government. People go private to get things such as scar deduction, moles and lumps removed or operations that they don’t want to wait a long time for. Voluntary care is care provided …show more content…

The types of services they provide is primary, secondary and tertiary. It is a statutory type of care. A trust co-ordinates care. They make decisions about the service and they co-ordinate and decide what type of care and what services they provide, how many service users, staff and beds available etc. An example of a type of trust is a hospital trust. A hospital trust is an NHS trust that provides secondary health services. Hospital trusts are ordered to provide these services by primary care trusts and clinical commissioning groups. A hospital trust co-ordinates the health care services. The Care Quality Commission makes sure that hospitals, care homes, dental and GP surgeries, and all other care services in England provide people with safe, effective, compassionate and high quality care, and they encourage these services to make improvements. The Social Care Institute for Excellence aims to improve the lives of people who use care services by sharing knowledge about what works. They provide practical resources including learning materials and offer training and consultancy services for people who plan, deliver and use adults, children’s and families services. Service provider: Sheffield Children’s Hospital. Sheffield Children’s Hospital is funded by the government. It is a public/statutory type of care. To access this service, you can self-refer yourself but you can also be referred by your GP. Policies and procedures: The Trust works with local

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