
My Family As An Extended Family

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Introduction From an early age I placed a very high value on being a part of my family. At first it was most likely feeling safe and secure. That being said, I had the logical realization that family was important. Of special importance were grandparents and the extended family members. Being born in a town where both sets of grandparents resided in addition to all the rest of my extended family was very comforting to me. Being the first-born grandchild had its advantages. I became very attached to all the grandparents and enjoyed love, attention and quality time frequently until the first grade when we moved. When my younger sister was born, I never felt replaced or left out because of the quality time my grandparents invested in me. Even after my family moved a state away we always went back for holidays, birthdays and summer vacations. I have a great deal of wonderful memories from my childhood. My mother’s father, my grandfather, was a very large presence in the community. He was well respected in both the white as well as the black community in which he owned a grocery store. This was unusual because there was a lot of racial tension and discrimination in Southern Alabama in the 1960’s. He was a tall man at six foot five and was a hard worker. He often bailed people out of jail and helped them with food when they were financially strapped anonymously. He was a Sunday school teacher and had good moral values. I learned later that before I came along he had been an alcoholic, a smoker, had been known for his quick temper, was not religious and had been unfaithful to my grandmother. As it was told to me, one Sunday morning he got up, got dressed, went to church and never took another drink or smoked again and was a radically changed man. He became a kind, caring, charitable person. He was more of a father to me in many ways than my dad and we had long talks in which he stressed the important things in life. He and my grandmother took my sister and I fishing on the lake. We camped in the camper. We stayed for vacations at the Gulf of Mexico. The stories he told, lessons I learned and loving affection he genuinely offered is something I consider a gift I have never forgotten. The reason I never forgot is

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