
Moving and Positioning

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UNIT 4222-232 MOVE AND POSITION INDIVIDUALS ACCORING TO THEIR PLAN OF CARE (HSC 2028) Outline the anatomy and physiology of the human body in relation to the importance of correct moving and positioning of individuals. The back is made up of the spine or vertebral column which is formed from a number of different groups of bones. It protects the spinal cord and allows flexibility of the upper body. The bones are held together by ligaments and small muscles which stretch from one bone to the next to give protection and keep the joint aligned. Between each bone and the next is a disc which is a shock absorber. Each disc consists of a soft semi fluid centre part, the nucleus, which is surrounded by a tough and fibrous outer coating, the …show more content…

• Maintain safe and healthy workplace with the necessary facilities. • Provide a health and safety policy statement when employing five or more people They must also ensure that workplaces and work activities do not put visitors, members of the public and others at unnecessary risk. Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. Employees also have a legal responsibility. They must: • Take care of their own health and safety at work • Take care of the health and safety of others. • Co-operate with the employer. • Not misuse or interfere with anything provided for health and safety purposes. Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulation 1999. Employers, managers and supervisors must undertake a range of tasks including: • Carrying out risk assessments • Making arrangements for the planning, organisation, control monitoring and review of health and safety measures. • Appointing a competent person or persons to assist with health and safety. • Establishing emergency procedures. • Providing health and safety information training. • Monitoring and managing occupational health issues. As manual handling is the single largest cause of reportable injury specific legislation has been introduced to ensure that steps are taken to reduce the risk of accidents while carrying out manual handling operations. These regulations emphasise the necessity for all members

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