
Module Eight: Discussion Questions

Satisfactory Essays

Module Eight: Text Questions
Review Questions 1.The Fire scenes are different than the regular crime scenes because the evidence from fire scene was probably destroyed or burned to ashes, and the individual who did the crime is not normally present a crime scene, which made it difficult to piece together the suspect , and convict someone of their crimes. 2.The blast effect is what happens when a flow of gasses from the main point of the bomb blow outward over 7000 miles per hour, and it's relating to the second law of Newton which say that the acceleration of the object will depend on the force that is put on it. 3.The two types of high explosives are primary and secondary. The primary explosives can easily exploded, and it's also extremely sensitive to heat and …show more content…

5.The evidence from the scenes should be collected by putting them into air-tight containers to help them from the evaporation of flammable substances. The paint cans would be good because of their airtight lids, and you would avoid the uses of plastic bags because they will produce harmful gases when it's mixed with these substances.

Critical Thinking Questions 1.I believe the most challenging part of investigating a fire or scene would be analyzing the arson evidence because it's hard to find out certain information from evidence that have been burn to ashes. 2.No ,I don't think that search warrants should be required for fire scenes because the investigation have to start immediately just in case someone have been dead by murder or severely injured.

3.Yes, I think other countries should use color coded chips , because it would allowed them for the material that started the fire to be identified, and then they can use it to find out who bought this item

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