
Mean Girls

Decent Essays

Are Girls To Mean To Each Other

I do believe that girls are to mean to each other because well with girls there's always something. It could be an argument, fighting over a boyfriend, something someone said on the internet, or they just don’t like each others. Honestly I don’t know why girls are even like that I mean us guys we don’t really trip off of what people say about us. We either going to fight about or we just leave it alone, but females always got to take that extra step. Do you remember that fight that happened in the lunchroom, well guess what… that fight had all girls in it. Kids have been behaving badly toward other kids for a long time. But in today’s world, peer groups have more influence than ever before, and technology makes …show more content…

In recent years, the attention has turned to adolescent girls and to what psychologists call “relational aggression,” or the kind of behavior depicted in the film Mean Girls(I liked that movie though). These girls’ cliques spread rumors and lies, exclude and sometimes show outright physical aggression toward other girls. Their targets are usually girls who haven’t yet started developing physically, who dress differently than others, or who just don’t fit in. counselors who work with girls tell horrifying stories of girls’ cliques and their behavior toward other girls. For example, A mother of an 11-year-old writes in to GreatSchools complaining that girls are teasing her sensitive daughter because she hasn’t developed. They taunt her with comments like “You’re flat as a board. Another school counselor and author, describes a girl who was terrorized by a clique — girls she thought were her friends. They shoved crumbled-up peanut butter cookies in her face and asked her to smell them, knowing she was allergic to peanut products. When her mother complained to the school, the administrator’s reaction was “Oh, they probably didn’t know she was allergic.” that is some pretty mean stuff, so as I was saying girls take that extra step,that is so uncalled for, and most

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