
Maximizing The Size Of The Blue Ocean Essay

Better Essays

Maximizing the size of the blue ocean is the third principle. It entails looking at noncustomers who come under three categories and focusing on a particular group that will yield the most number of customers and generate the most profit for the company.
1. The first category of non-customers refer to those who would infrequently buy the product either due to lack of alternative product or out of sheer necessity. These are the customers a company must tap into. A company must determine what keeps these noncustomers from becoming committed to the product/service the company offers. When a company is able to offer a product that meets their needs, then a blue ocean is unlocked.
2. Those who have never been a customer either because the price of the product or the product itself or some of its features causes it (the product) to be unappealing is the second group of customers that must be looked into. The customers in this group satisfy their needs through other medium or merely suppress it.
3. The third group of non-customers apply to unchartered noncustomers. They are those who have never been considered as possible customers being that they are presumed to fit in another market.
This is what Cebu Pacific, an airline company in the Philippines did. It managed to apply the blue ocean strategy by looking at what the people really want (which is to fly). Understanding that people who buy airline tickets from another airline out of necessity do not care about the

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