
Longest Standing Practices

Decent Essays

Thank you for reflecting on one of the longest standing practices in the American educational system. At our high school, I have seen a variety of view points in this area. Approximately five years ago our principal at the time asked the staff to discontinue the practice of grading homework. She used Ken O'Connor's (2011) book, A Repair Kit for Grading: 15 Fixes for Broken Grades as the foundation for the change. O'Connor (2011) contends, "Don’t use information from formative assessments and practice to determine grades; use only summative evidence" (p. 124). After much consideration the staff agreed to make the necessary changes to their grading practices. However, there was no groundwork layed with the students and parents. At first parent-teacher conferences of the school year numerous parents expressed their displeasure with the new policy. The major parental complaint was that their childs grades were suffering because only the test (summative) grade was being used to formulate the course grade. The policy was scrapped the next school year when a new principal was placed at our high school. Perhaps, if a strong foundation was layed with the parents and students, O'Connor's fix may have advanced on. …show more content…

He begins his argument for changing the design of grading by asking, "How confident are you that the grades students get in your school are accurate, consistent, meaningful, and supportive of learning? If grades do not meet these four conditions of quality they are broken” (p. 8) At the start of the school year our BLT has be attempting to answer, "What does a grade reflect?". We have not made that determination yet; I'm not sure anyone has quantified it

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