
Leona Watson's The New Plague

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The world was ending, and through everything Leona Watson thought she deserved, she wasn't prepared for this. Perhaps there was a time she would have been ready for disasters to twirl around her, but now it seemed like a poorly-timed joke; yes, she deserved a torturous existence. No, the rest of the population did not. Mercilessly, the New Plague sprinkled death and despair over everyone and everything except her. Of course, not her, not Leo! No matter how much she wanted it, the disease passed over her as carefully as it could, barricading her within and destroying everything else outside. In the end, she simply turned a cold shoulder to the chaos that encompassed her. After all, Leona had already spent the better of her years surrounded …show more content…

Logan chimed in about her grandiose treehouse, and then they looked to Leo. She had nothing to say, she never had anything to say, but they looked at her with such trivial excitement! It was more than she could bare, caring about the two. But, it was too late now, she adored them, so she closed her eyes and waited for a memory to grant her something to say. Once her mind was at ease, a dollhouse came into view. It was heartfelt and handmade by her father; he presented it to her with the biggest, proudest grin on his cheeky …show more content…

Whatever it was, there was something that offended a young Leona. Her eyebrows furrowed, her cheeks turned red, and finally, she yelled at her dad until, probably, he regretted making the damn thing after all. He didn't come down for dinner that night. Or the night after that. And even after she apologized, the man kept a broken look within his exhausted blue eyes. "A dollhouse," Leo recited, after a winding autumn breeze. Her voice was flat and quiet, still trapped in the memory. "I loved it very much." Like usual, Benson pressed her for details, but the woman was as deep in her memories as she was willing to go. Any further was dangerous. In fact, apparently, this far was dangerous, and she wasn't even ankle deep. "It's up this way," she called, forcing her worn body further up a hill and into the daylight. The temperature rose immediately. Sure enough, on top of bleached concrete sat a tiny gas station store. It was a pathetic flicker of hope, with broken windows and peeling paint, but, it was something, and the three had no room to complain. Leona turned to Logan and Benson, grinning ever so slightly. The proud words "look what I found!" were practically painted on her

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