
Lennie and George Relationship in Steinbeck's Novel Essay

Decent Essays

In this chapter of the novel, Steinbeck uses a lot of visual elements, strong dialect,

symbolism, tone and theme. Much of these elements are shown right from the beginning of

the chapter when the two men, Lennie and George arrive at the bunk house. Right from the

first sentence, the tone and imagery is already set off by introducing the “walls [being]

whitewashed and the floor unpainted.(p17)” In addition, he also introduces the bunks, also

re-enforcing the tone since the bunks are described as “…burlap sack of straw that was a

mattress.(p18)” At this point, George is realizing that not only does he have challenges by

dealing with George, but he also has to live in this environment where things are not …show more content…

In addition to the theme of disposability, the theme

of social isolation is also quite apparent. For example, when the boss was getting suspicious of George answering all of Lennies’ questions by commenting that Lennie “[wasn’t] much of a

talker, is he?(p21)” and also by asking “then why don’t you let him answer? What are you trying

put over?(p21)” If the boss found out then the truth about Lennie, he would have immediately

asked them to leave. Furthermore, the theme of social isolation is vividly displayed with Crooks,

just because of his skin color, gives the boss rights to “give the stable buck hell (p19)” whenever

he is upset at something.

The whole message Steinbeck is trying to convey through this chapter in the novel is

basically this ranch is like a mini-society. Anyone in this society can hold power, and when they

get into that position of power over others, they use it in irresponsible ways. For example even

though the boss is the top of the social heirchy, his son Curley seems to have more power over

the workers there than he does. Also, because of his position in the social “pyramid”, Curley can

tangle with any one of the workers without any troubles, however if Lennie, for example,

tangles with Curley him

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