
Juvenile Homicide Offenders

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Throughout our world children are looked at as angles. What about the children that are said to be evil? Are they truly evil or is there something that triggers these acts and allows for the belligerence to be seen. Juvenile homicide offenders can be described as anyone under the age of 18 who is responsible for the murder of another human being. Many cases can show different aspects about the child’s brain and the way they may commit such a crime. Carl Newton Mahan, Robert Thompson and John Venable, are three of the youngest offenders in our history. Children’s brains are not fully developed and don’t occupy a full understanding of consequences (Children who kill: personality patterns are identified, New York Times.) The way the system …show more content…

Benedek, ''The average American parent doesn't need to fear being murdered.''(Children who kill: personality patterns are identified, New York Times.) Kids who do not experience remorse for their actions are mentally shortcoming to switch positions with people to see things from their prospective (Children who kill: personality patterns are identified, New York Times.) These same children have a background of assaultive behavior and are unable cope with everyday stress. Juvenile homicide offenders tend to have spent the first year of life in a short staffed institution or with an inadequate mother who may not have provided any psychological sustenance (Children who kill: personality patterns are identified, New York Times.) Those homicide offenders who are sexual confused often carry a weapon to build confidence. These children may have come from homes where the mom wore the pants and the father was shy. These murders tend to be followed through with a derived passion, but are found to be encouraged by a parent. Children tend to engage in more over the top behavior (Why do kids commit murder, Everyday Phycology.) “Studies show that teenagers do not

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