
Just War Theory Of Violence

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Since the beginning of mankind violence has been an integral part of society. It has become a part of human nature to be violent and has allowed us to survive. Whilst violence is not always justified, in certain circumstances it can be. In a contemporary scene, violence is justifiable when the correct circumstances occur. That is, in defence of one’s nation, or an allied nation, and to prevent war crimes or unjust war. I will firstly discuss Realism and its effects on violence. Secondly the Just War Theory and how violence can be justified through it. Thirdly, non-violence will be discussed and how it does not work by itself, rather a mixture of violence and non-violence must be implemented.


Realism is a theory in International Relations which states that the international system is anarchic. Realism is a culmination between the politics of human nature, and the lack of an international government (Donnelly, 2000). In this system nation state must compete for power in order to survive. Thus, creating policies with a large focus around militarism. This lack of an international government forces …show more content…

It justifies when one can wage a war against an unjust enemy and justifies when one can occupy a hostile nation. Lisa Cahill, an American ethicist and professors states; “Just War Theory allows violence under certain conditions but attempts to limit it.” Therefore, the Just War Theory was created in attempt to limit the use of violence. The only time violence is just, according to the Just War Theory, is when a nation state has been violently attacked. In a BBC article, journalist Joe Boyle states that “the idea of just war has thus been shackled to the UN charter’s concept of self-defence.” Thus, according to the United Nations, the only way to justify conflict is through self-defence. However, the concept of just war is much deeper than

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