
John Doe Construction Failure

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Picking the right contractor could mean the difference between an easy and enjoyable experience and an endless sea of pain and suffering. Regardless of the size of the project, most people would narrow down the requirements of a good contractor to three general categories: cost, quality, ability to meet agreed upon time-frames. For businesses, the only additional requirement is communication. As it pains me to say, John Doe Construction failed to meet the basic expectations above, it also managed to cost us significant amount of money due to delays. The names of the guilty have been changed to protect the innocent. All of us, at one point or another, had to deal with a contractor, be it for plumbing, heater repair, kitchen remodeling or anything else you had to …show more content…

Yes, almost three months behind, twenty percent over budget and with a quality worse than that of the Chinese knockoffs of Chinese knockoffs. Some might say that my criteria might not be valid or that I cannot expect everything to be perfect, or that the quality, cost, and timing could be subjective, But please take into account that even by the lowest quality standards of the City of Denver laws and regulations, they have failed. Do take into account that we did accommodate them when the permits got delayed. We did give them a chance to fix the issues. John Doe construction is not bad because they failed to meet one of the four items I consider important, they are bad because they are the first contractor I have ever dealt with that managed to fail on all four. I have worked with contractors before that have delivered on three out of four categories, and I would recommend most of them. Not John Doe Construction. You are better off giving a hammer to a kindergartner as your results would not only be cheaper, they would also be faster and with a better quality as well as communicated to you in a cute

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