
Jean Piaget 's Theory Of Cognitive Development

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Shaquille Ross Professor Morris Piaget Theory Jean Piaget 's theory of cognitive development gives a broader way of explaining the way of how the process of thinking is developed, based off of different age groups. He became interested in how organisms adapt and conform to its environment. He believe that it was labelled as intelligence. He observed these behaviors by controlling them through schema or schemes. In other words, Piaget organized experiments that are based off of intellectual properties of thinking (McLeod, 2009). This is also where he describes two processes that are used in the conformity of an individual. Assimilation, which is the process of using the environment to change it into previous cognitive structures; and Accommodation, which is the process of changing these cognitive structures in order to accept that specific item or object for the environment (Feldman, 2013). The theory is broken up into four stages. Sensorimotor, pre-operational, concrete operational, and formal operational. We focus on the pre-operational and concrete operational stages of the cognitive development theory. The pre-operational stage is determined through the toddler and early childhood period. This is where intelligence is used though the use of symbols and pictures, that develop memory and imagination. A child is not able to use a logical way of thinking because it has not developed yet. Therefore, egocentric thinking is predominate in this period. The concrete

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