
It190 Unit 1 Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Unit 5 Assignment
Andre Burton
Kaplan University

IT190: Information Technology Concepts
Unit 5 Assignment
1. What does, and operating system do?
The Operating system is one most important parts of anything that runs on technology. It manages the computers memory and processes the information for the software and hardware. There is different operation system for pc, tablets, smart cars, and smartphones.
2. How does the OS manage the processor?
The Operating System manages the flow of data and tells the processor what component needs to be doing. It does this my relaying one piece of information at a time but done so fast it seems it is doing it all at the same time. It does this by giving the information to the processer in computer language, so it can understand.
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How does the OS manage peripheral device, and what are device drivers?

6. What is PnP?
PnP Is plug and play it when you can plug in let’s say a gaming controller or mouse you do not have to download anything and is ready to use. Another example of PnP would be internal like Ram. The OS already has the drivers on it to run the device.
7. How does the OS coordinate software?
For the OS system to be corrdinated with the software you must make sure you are using software that is for your OS. If you don’t use the correct software the OS cannot give that software the right commends to work will not run on the PC.
8. What is the BIOS, and what does the BIOS do?
The BIOS is at the start of the pc you can hit F10 on my pc it will bring BIOS up. In the BIOS menu if gives you options to give what order you would like hard drives of disk drives to boot up first when turning on your pc. It is also used to control the keyboard. This is a chip that is standard on all motherboards .
9. What is POST?
POST is used when you turn on your pc it checks to make sure the hardware is working proper before it will boot the OS. POST will also tell you if there is an error will be booting anything on the pc.
10. What is the

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