
Have Government Actions Made New York City Safer After 9/11

Decent Essays

The professor Calderhead advised the class to write an outline to clarify the ideas properly in order to write a detailed and informative research paper. I think in this way I can have a big picture of what to write about. According to my outline, the first sub-topic connected to my research on “Have government actions made New York City safer after 9/11” is related to terrorism.
According to the Federal Bureau of Intelligence (FBI), terrorism applies to the use of force to cause terror, based on violent actions whose major purpose is in instilling fear and extreme calamities. Terrorism, therefore, seeks to coerce and pressure national (global) governments and societies in general to bend to their demands and illogical proclamations that are …show more content…

In the case of the invasion of Iraq, for example, resistance is accused of terrorism by some segments of society and legitimized by others. It has also increased the attention to terrorist attacks and as sown fear in the American population psyche and expanded rapidly to the rest of the world. (International Terrorism)
Since then, the number of attacks that took place have had a considerable impact in different parts of the world has exceeded fifty, leaving uncounted car bombs in Spain, Iraq, Mexico, Israel and Afghanistan. Most of these acts of terrorism have been blamed on jihadists (the most aggressive and radical within political Islam) or Al-Qaeda groups and have targeted several cities in several countries. (International Terrorism)
In my opinion, although there are many conflicts of a political nature, religion always seems to take a leading central role in these unfortunate events, and that wrongly feeds the platform of terrorists to use violence. I personally do not understand terrorism; I think it occurs when human beings pass through the line of untenable reason of the lack of compassion towards for others, when they believe that their cause is more valuable than other people’s life. (Personal

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