
Importance Of Corporal Punishment In Schools

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Corporal punishment should be in schools because it makes sure kids have good behavior, it also teaches kids to be respectful, and makes sure kids are safe. Every school should have corporal punishment in schools because it teaches kids to have good behavior. In 2014, 94% of parents with kids from three to four years old reported they had smacked their kid. This shows if a kid is acting up or not being good give him a quick smack and it should change their perspective on the situation. Corporal punishment should be in schools because if a kid is being bad in class they will most likely not do it again. They would not be afraid of their teacher either because they are most likely not the one spanking them if they're bad. In many schools bad behavior could get people detention, Anastasia explained “In 19 states, that behavior could get you spanked”. This is a better punishment because detention does nothing but just make people stay at school for longer, but if they get a spanking they might not want to get in trouble again. Most people think that kids need to be safe and nurtured but if they aren't getting in trouble than they will have all those things. It also helps the school have a good learning environment with no distractions during class. Finney says,” Detentions are not big enough for some students”. This shows how things can be sorted out better with a couple smacks and to make sure they have better behavior.
Every school should have corporal punishment in schools because it teaches kids to be respectful. In the 2005-2006 school year many students were acting up in class or doing bad things, and it shows that year having the most reported swats ever. This shows many kids weren't being respectful to their peers and got in trouble for that, but if they would have gotten detention they wouldn't have cared. When another student gets a detention for being late or something multiple times they'll have a good laugh about it and carry on with life. They don't care as much but a quick smack and they won't be laughing about that and they would most likely learn their lesson. Jacobs explained “The principal questioned her and asked to see her purse. Inside was a pack of cigarettes, rolling paper, and

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