
Importance Of Accounting Information When Acquiring The Finance For Run A Business Essay

Decent Essays

Adrian Choo and his wife Sweetie Singh want to open a restaurant in New Zealand that specializes in Malaysian cuisine. Before they make their plans a reality they want to learn how businesses are run in New Zealand. The couple have asked to be presented with a report that helps them gain a better understanding of what Business structure they should follow, what recourses they will need to run their business and why would a balance sheet help them make business decisions and whang to know how their business operating. The report must also highlight the importance of accounting information when acquiring the finance to run a business. This report aims to answer all their questions and allow Adrian Choo and Sweetie Singh to have a better understanding of their business plans.

Adrian and Sweetie both want to open a restaurant in New Zealand, they want to figure out which business structure would be the most suitable to run their restaurant, there are four to chose from: sole proprietorship, partnership, companies and trust. Each structure Impacts a business in different ways (Small business development corporation, 2016). Since Adrian and Sweetie are both planning the restaurant together they would be considered co-owners as they both “contribute money, property or personal labour or skill, with the expectation of sharing in an organization 's business profits and losses.” (Rappa, 2016). Because Adrian and Sweetie are partners, the best business choice would be a partnership.

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