
Identification Of Issues : A New Office Of A Foreign Country Under A Completely Different Culture Than United Kingdom

Better Essays

Lanx will be opening a new office in a foreign country under a completely different culture than United Kingdom. The execution will involve processes changes as well as a new culture to be implemented. Although expatriated UK managers to be working in the new office have over five years of experience but lack of intercultural communication training may become a big challenge. The major issues that are arising in this situation are described as below:
There is a change in the culture, processes, religion and standards. Lack of previous experience of working in a diverse team may be an obstacle. The new employees joining the company should get engaged and aligned with company’s objectives. There should be …show more content…

The issue if not handled may result in a huge conflict and dissatisfaction among various employees and management. On the contrary, if it is handled in an appropriate and professional way, the transition would be easily accepted by the people.
Talent development takes place everywhere. “People skills level is what differentiates the corporates” (Josh and Bersin & Associates). Corporates are no longer looking for a title to fill out a position gap, but skilled and seasoned people to differentiate the organization and its products.
In our scenario, Learning, Training and Development plays a very crucial role in the career and succession planning for the new employees in India, as they may not have the technical skillset as well as cultural and management aligned with corporate strategy.
It is up to line manager to identify the technical skills required, adopt the talent management process but they also need to work with HR to finalize the right mix of skills, ensure structures, tools and systems are in place. In this scenario, HR may need a “different HR applications (one for HRMS, another for learning, another for recruiting, for example)” and also a better talent analytics such as SAP, PeopleSoft, and …)” Forbes, (2013), to have a global system in place.
As from a technical perspective, company requires experienced people to be working in the new

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