
Human Sexuality Final

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* Human Sexuality Relate value systems and critical thinking to your sexual decision making before and after this course This course has been very insightful and delivered a mountain full of very useful information that undoubtedly has the ability to positively impact an individual’s life. Critical thinking is a very important aspect of life that is often overlooked and can often lead to consequences that could have possibly been avoided had the ordeal or situation been approached correctly. Critically analyzing a sexual decision is nothing less than a priority because of the impact that a “heat of the moment” decision could have. One must be skeptical when approaching a sexual situation because the ultimate goal, a moment …show more content…

At around the age often my mother re- married and the writer’s step- father began to instill more of the dominant male qualities that are still intact today. Analyze the effect of attraction and love in your relationships In regard to the effect of love and attraction, the author has come to learn that there is a very big difference between the two. Attraction is what leads the beginning of a relationship whether it is a friendship or, a romantic relationship. On the other hand, love is a pure emotion or feeling that cannot compare to attraction in any facet. Attraction has led the author to indulge in relationships that had no meaning or depth other than being attracted to the individual on a sexual level. These relationships were short lived and usually dissipated shortly after they had begun. In fact, attraction has led the author to acquire a curable sexually transmitted disease because there was no time placed towards critically analyzing the situation. When speaking about love, it has the possibility to make an individual stay in a relationship in which they are not happy. Love itself is not enough much like attraction itself is not enough. There are many components that coincide with a relationship work no matter what form of relationship it is. Discuss another topic of this course that is interesting and useful to you. Relate this topic to your life. First and

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