
How the Structure of Proteins Are Related to Their Function

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How the structure of proteins are related to their functions
Rachel Morris
The basic building blocks of proteins are amino acids, the biuret reaction tests for protein. A solution of sodium hydroxide is added to a sample then a few drops of copper sulphate solution, if positive – the solution will turn mauve. There are 20 different amino acids and they can be joined in any order. Therefore there can be many different functions. A protein consists of one or more polypeptide chains (a polypeptide chain being multiple amino acids joined together via condensation, producing a peptide bond). Different proteins have different shapes as the shapes are determined by the sequence of amino acids.
The primary stage of a protein is a …show more content…

The structure of hair can induce courtship as certain species will be attracted to the opposite sex and the appearance of the way keratin is presented (E.G. fur) will then establish that a species will be able to identify another. Tendons which consist of collagen, form connective ligaments within the body and give extra support to the skin where needed.

Transport proteins such as Haemoglobin carry oxygen through the blood. Myoglobin performs a similar function in muscle tissue, taking oxygen from the haemoglobin in the blood and storing it or carrying it around until needed by the muscle cells. The ability of haemoglobin to bind oxygen is sensitive to several factors. They include pH, temperature, concentrations of O2 and CO2. The structure of the haemoglobin changes slightly in a way that makes it better at binding to more oxygen, further enhancing its ability to carry more oxygen. Sickle cell anaemia points out another important aspect of protein structure. The mutation of a base sequence leads to valine being produced instead of glutamic acid, this has a knock on effect on the secondy, tertiary and quaternary structure. All in all the function of Hb is altered and results in the Hb having a “sickled shape” which does not easily pass though capillaries or carry oxygen efficiently. Cytochromes operate in the electron transport chain as electron carrier proteins (fact from Google)

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