
How Qar Which Stands For Question Answer Relationship

Decent Essays

QAR which stands for Question-Answer Relationship. Is a strategy that helps you understand the four different types of questions that are asked before, during, and after reading. Therefore, knowing how to answer these questions will help you get more answers correct and help you find the answers faster.

Now, where I can find answers to questions? QAR has two main categories. The first category is in the text/book: which means that the answers are supplied by the author. The second category is in my head: which means that the answers are based on the reader’s ideas and experiences (prior knowledge).

Let’s look at the four different types of QAR’s. So, if you look at your sheet of paper titled the Question-Answer Relationships, you see that there are many boxes. However, we are going to focus on the top four boxes. The first box labeled Right There is usually the easiest to find in the text/ book because the answer is found Right There. It is usually found in one or two sentences. The second box labeled Think and Search is a little harder than the first (Right There). Which means that the answer will not be found in just one part of the text. It may be in several different sentences throughout the text/book and you may have to search through the text/book to find the answer. In addition, the reader has to make assumptions and put the answers that they found linking them together. The third box labeled Author and Me, this means that you are using the text/book and you

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